Women’s Human Rights

What are women’s human rights?

Women’s rights are the fundamental human rights that were enshrined by the United Nations for every human being on the planet nearly 70 years ago. These rights include the right to live free from violence, slavery, and discrimination; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn a fair and equal wage.

Winning rights for women is about more than giving opportunities to any individual woman or girl; it is also about changing how countries and communities work. It involves changing laws and policies, winning hearts and minds, and investing in strong women’s organizations and movements.

The tireless and courageous efforts of women’s groups who work every day to win rights for women and girls. These groups are working to ensure women can own property, vote, run for office, get paid fair wages, and live free from violence – including domestic violence, sexual assault, and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation.

What rights do we stand for?

We want every woman and girl to realize the rights that are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We also stand for other rights that are vital for women’s equality. We stand for a woman’s right to decide if and when she has children, and to have high-quality health care that means she won’t die in pregnancy or during childbirth. We know female genital mutilation is a violation of girls’ rights, and must be eliminated. And we stand for the right of every woman to live equally and free from discrimination, no matter her sexuality or identity.

We support two critical documents for women’s rights that have followed the UN declaration. The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), an international bill of rights for women, requires governments to end gender discrimination and affirms women’s rights to health services, including family planning.

Only when women and girls have full access to their rights – from equal pay and land ownership rights to sexual rights, freedom from violence, access to education, and maternal health rights – will true equality exist. Only when women have taken leadership and peacemaking roles and have an equal political voice will economies and countries be transformed. And only then will all women and girls have the self-determination they are entitled to.


We’re a megaphone for women who are fighting for equality, making sure their voices are heard loud and clear. Together, we shine a spotlight on critical issues, getting attention and support where it’s most needed. When all our voices join together, we become impossible to ignore.


Our awareness-raising and action campaigns lift up the stories of women and women’s movements all over the world. Through creative storytelling, art and photography, meaningful calls to action, and powerful infographics,we aim to educate and inspire new audiences to become activists for women’s rights.


Our past campaigns have focused on timely issues and unheard voices on a variety of important themes: women human rights defenders, women fighting for their right to self-determination, women refugees, women’s human rights and technology, and the rights and representation of Muslim women.


When issues of women’s rights are in the news, we respond quickly, and add the grassroots perspectives and women’s voices that are too often missing. We keep our audiences informed on issues affecting women—for example, the impact of the women rights Rule on grassroots women’s groups working to advance sexual and reproductive health—and we keep a close eye on situations for women human rights defenders in countries with shrinking space for civil society and direct threats to women’s rights,


When issues of women’s rights are in the news, we respond quickly, and add the grassroots perspectives and women’s voices that are too often missing. We keep our audiences informed on issues affecting women—for example, the impact of the women rights Rule on grassroots women’s groups working to advance sexual and reproductive health—and we keep a close eye on situations for women human rights.


We showcase the art, photography, and creative media of women around the world telling their own stories and capturing those of courageous women. We believe that art and creativity have the power to change hearts and minds, and transform conversations about women’s rights. Our merger fuels our commitment to creative advocacy campaigns to advance gender equality.


We believe that when we all—activists, local leaders, women’s human rights defenders, donors, supporters—raise our voices, we will become impossible to ignore. Raise your voice for gender equality. Join women and men who want every woman to be strong, safe, powerful, and heard. No exceptions.

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Gram Sathi Published A Water Sanitation Book for awre peoples on 13th January, 2017.

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Gram Sathi Published A Water Sanitation Book for awre peoples on 13th January, 2017.

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Gram Sathi Published A Water Sanitation Book for awre peoples on 13th January, 2017.

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